The Delhi High Court has passed an ad interim order on Friday, the 25th November 2022, prohibiting unauthorized use of the celebrity status of veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan.
Mr. Bachchan, the plaintiff, had approached the Court aggrieved by the defendants’ use of his celebrity status to promote their own goods and services, without his authorization and permission. The plaintiff had claimed protection of his name, image, voice, and personality attributes from unauthorized use.
Observing that the plaintiff is a well-known personality and is also represented in various advertisements, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Navin Chawla remarked that “Having considered the contents of the plaint, the documents filed therewith, as also having heard the learned senior counsel for the plaintiff, I am of the opinion that the plaintiff has been able to make out a good prima facie case in its favour for grant of an ad-interim ex-parte injunction.”
The court further noted that the plaintiff is likely to suffer grave irreparable harm and injury of his reputation and some of the activities complained of may also bring disrepute to him.
The order is available at