India is now a fast-growing economy. Consequently, filing, examination and granting of patent applications are showing a considerable increase year on year. The Indian Patent filings witnessed a significant increase with 13.6% growth rate in YoY in the fiscal year 2021-22, as per the IP India Annual report 2021-22[1] and the report published by the Nasscom[2].

Applications by Foreign Applicants

The number of applications filed by foreign applicants during the reporting year has shown a growth of 8.06% as compared to the number of applications filed during 2020-21. The majority of applications by foreign applicants were filed through the PCT National Phase route. The number of such applications filed during the reporting year shows an increase of about 9.31% as compared to the previous year.

Domestic Filing

Domestic patent filing ratio has also increased to 44.4% of the total filing, as compared to 41.68% in the previous year. Thus, keeping with the growing trend in previous years, applications filed by Indian applicants have shown remarkable increase in this fiscal year too.

Patents Granted

The total number of patents granted during the reporting year are about 6% more than those granted during 2020-21. Out of the total number of patents granted, about 21.3% were granted to Indian applicants.

Emerging Technologies

The Emerging Technology Patents such as AI – Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Big Data, Block chain, Pattern Matching and Image Analysis, Cloud, Edge & Real Time Processing, Cyber Security, IoT – Building/ Factory Automation, Smart Wearables, Connected Healthcare and Vehicles, ADAS, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Autonomous Driving, Ride Sharing/Traffic Control, Telecommunication, Semiconductors & Nanotechnology and Automotive, contribute major patent filings in FY-2022.

Notably, since 2010, the average share of Emerging Technology Patents in the Total Technology Patents (including telecommunications, semiconductor & nanotechnology AR/VR, Additive Manufacturing, Locating tracking, Quantum Computing, etc.) in India is about 60%, with the percentage increasing to about 73% in 2022 (provisional data). IoT and AI account for over 50% of the Emerging Technology patents filed over 2010-2022.

A Growth Story

It is evident, as witnessed from the IP India Annual Report and the Nasscom report, that there has been a consistent growth in patent filings, examinations and disposals in the last five years thanks to continued development of a constructive IP ecosystem in India. The increase in filing of patent applications has also encouraged the patent office to take necessary measures and initiatives for quicker examinations, grants and disposals.




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