Public Notice dated 16th December 2022 has been issued
1) Providing information that the Patent Office has started issuing E-Certificates; and
2) Simplifying the process of utilizing the Design E-filing portal to the applicants/stakeholders/public for filing forms and document.
E-filing module for design applications became available to the public at least for the last five years. But, earlier, it was mandatory to file all the documents in paper format (or in original) at the Patent Office within 15 days from the date of e-filing.
Now, according to the said Public Notice, forms and documents filed through e-filing module containing digital signature is no longer required to be submitted in paper format.
However, the following documents are still required to be filed at the Patent Office in paper format:
i) Original/notarized true copy assignment document, if any
ii) Original/attested/notarized true copy of the power of attorney
iii) Original affidavit, if any
iv) Original priority document, if any
Public notice has attached a check list for filing new design application, a copy of which attached hereto.
** It is still possible to file forms and documents manually and in that event, all the forms/documents are required to be filed with ink signature along with the documents mentioned at i) to iv) above.